Facebooki lehel väljastab My Dying Bride laulja, juhtfiguur ja looja Aaron Stainthorpe toreda uudise:
„It is complete! The new album from My Dying Bride! It has taken quite some time to put together but it is now finished and is with Nuclear Blast as I write this. There is no release date as yet but rest assured we will let you know once we find out. This album is a luxurious journey into a realm only MDB know how to create. It has the most lavish production of any of our past offerings and the sound is utterly stunning; aggressive, beautiful and layered with harmonic melancholy like never before. There is beauty here with slender moments of delicate hope enriched with violins and cello and the stunning voice of special guest Lindy-Fay Hella from Wardruna. And there is utter madness and anger with visceral death metal vocals lending a fearful edge to this dramatic opus. You will not be disappointed!! Cheers, Aaron.”
Ehk siis tulemas on MDB uus album mida on pikemat aega nokitsetud. Väljalaskekuupäeva veel teada ei ole, aga ega ta tulemata jää. Lubatakse, et varasematest plaatidest on uus lavastuslikum ja heli on uimastavam, agressiivsem, ilusam ja mitmekihilise melanhoolse harmooniaga. Üldiselt on raske Aaroni kodukeelset vaimustust maakeelde panna, aga ma saan tema jutu mõttest aru
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